It is frequently desirable to use a hex bodied rivet nut in preference to a round one, but this was previously only possible if the hole could be pre-punched as a hex until now. This innovative tool makes it possible to convert a drilled or punched round hole into a hex in just a few seconds making the use of hex inserts possible for anybody with access to a compressed air system. The 74290 has a working range of M4 to M10 and can be used to form hex holes in most commonly used sheet metals up to 4.5 millimetres thick depending on the hardness of the material being used. The tool has a fast cycle time of only 2.5 seconds and requires access from only one side.
Breakstem Rivet Systems
- Avex® Multigrip aluminium and steel rivets
- Stavex® Muiltigrip Steel
- Stavex® Multigrip Stainless Steel
- Avibulb® High Strength Steel Rivets
- Avinox® High Strength Stainless Steel Rivets
- Bulbex® Rivets for soft and thin sheet materials
- Earth tab – cost-effective earthing
- T-Lok® for wood, board or plastics
- Avdelmate®
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