The Avdel large diameter AvdelokXT structural lockbolt is a heavy duty, two-piece fastener designed to provide a high strength and secure assembly. Quick and simple to place, yet it provides a long lasting, vibration proof joint. AvdelokXT lockbolt is the ideal solution where welding, threaded fasteners or solid rivets are not suitable or practical to use.
Breakstem Rivet Systems
- Avex® Multigrip aluminium and steel rivets
- Stavex® Muiltigrip Steel
- Stavex® Multigrip Stainless Steel
- Avibulb® High Strength Steel Rivets
- Avinox® High Strength Stainless Steel Rivets
- Bulbex® Rivets for soft and thin sheet materials
- Earth tab – cost-effective earthing
- T-Lok® for wood, board or plastics
- Avdelmate®
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